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- Chapter 5: Worse Than Death
- The children were under magnetic
- pulse sedation in their cribs.
- Johnathan and Eve had talked, then
- napped after making love. Eve's arm
- was across his chest. Jonathan was
- startled out of his nap. He heard
- commotion in the corridors. Every
- sort of emergency signal was blaring.
- What was it? Decompression?
- Well that explained the sirens
- and commotion. Jonathan checked his
- plaque, which was constantly
- updating: Four already confirmed
- dead? What could it be?
- It happened just when Eve thought
- she might have been wrong about
- Betty. She was frantic, "It's her!
- She's coming for me now! She'll kill
- me! Hide me! You've got to hide
- me!"
- Jonathan frowned, "Will you stop
- accusing Betty! It's been years now
- and she hasn't so much as snapped at
- you. She's taken a huge cut on
- autonomy and can't touch you. She's
- been through enough and I won't have
- it anymore! If anyone should have
- compassion for Betty, it should
- be..."
- He could hear the whir of the
- electric motors before the droid
- crashed into his doorway, caving the
- sliding metal doors inward. Mack
- backed away and crashed into them
- again, then again, until Jonathan
- could see the metal tearing. Outside
- men were screaming, being tossed
- aside or run over as they attempted
- to stop the droid.
- The next second, the airlock fell
- down. Lights dimmed and yet another
- alarm was blaring.
- "Betty..?" Jonathan dared to
- say.
- "I've been telling you for years
- now! She'll kill me, and our
- children! I know her better than
- anyone! She couldn't see this coming
- but I could, simply by placing myself
- in her position! She hates me now.
- She's on the verge of hating you,
- too, John! She can hurt you."
- "What can we do? Can we reason
- with her?"
- "She's feeling unfettered rage
- and is currently irrational --
- murderous. I have no idea..."
- Three more times the machine
- heaved and smashed into the doors but
- they wouldn't part, especially with
- the added reinforcement of the
- airlock. The ceiling, walls and the
- floor buckled around the door, but it
- remained intact. The buzzsaw, metal
- claws, and the laser began cutting at
- the honeycombed titanium-steel
- airlock. Inexorably, Betty was
- gaining entrance.
- Jonathan rushed to his plaque and
- dialed Betty. She refused to
- acknowledge. "Betty! Betty! Stop!
- I know you can hear me! Don't do
- this! You'll lose me! I'll despise
- you if you destroy this woman! I'll
- hate you! I'll preside at your
- deactivation! I'll see to it!"
- Nothing from the plaque. The
- robot continued to cut its way in.
- "That's it, husband. Cheer her
- up! Remind her that she has nothing
- to lose now."
- A sigh, "Eve..."
- "Just letting you know what's
- going through her mind now. Sorry."
- "For what it's worth, I'm sorry I
- ever doubted you."
- "My only wonder is why it took
- her this long." She began to sob,
- "Why did she wait until I had
- children..?"
- He quickly searched around. "How
- strong are you, Eve? Still above
- average?"
- "I don't know. I've normalized
- considerably, though I've attempted
- to keep my original strength through
- exercise..."
- "I'll need your help."
- "What will we do?"
- "We..." he started.
- She placed her fingers on his
- lips to silence him, nodding toward
- the computer console. She then
- grabbed a chair and demolished it
- with three quick blows. "Okay! Now
- speak."
- "This entire section is shut
- down. They must think they're
- protecting the Captain. We're
- trapped in this section with her now.
- Grab a multi-driver. We need to
- loosen this panel in the floor. When
- she steers Mack over it, we lift it
- and tip Mack over."
- She considered it. "Mack can
- still do damage while on his side --
- and he can easily right himself with
- his arms."
- "Then we jump down into the
- inter-level. Can Mack fit down
- there?"
- Her hands covered her eyes in
- despair, "Mack helped build the
- interlevels. He can glide through
- them."
- "Well there's nowhere else to
- run. We have to make it to the park,
- wade into the water. Mack can't
- operate there." He'll fuse."
- She considered, "It might work,
- but her laser might get us still."
- "Smoke?"
- "No. Steam might do it. It
- might diffract the laser just enough
- to..." She was off to the lavatory,
- setting the water temperature to well
- over two hundred degrees, then
- adjusted the shower head for a finer
- spray to enhance the steam. She
- dashed to the nursery. A few moments
- later she was back at his side,
- multi-driver in hand, helping to
- disengage the floor panel. "I am
- grateful that we have unlimited
- shower time now."
- "What about the children?"
- "Sedated and sent down the
- garbage chute. We'll have to get
- them out before the transmat recycles
- them tomorrow afternoon."
- He nodded, "You're right.
- They'll face a worse peril here."
- "And if we die?"
- He touched her face, "I'd rather
- they died in a transmat beam than be
- ripped apart by Betty."
- "As for me, I've lived well these
- past years, husband. I couldn't ask
- for more. You were right. A time
- does come when you're ready to die."
- He chuckled, "Now that I have
- you, the last thing I want is to
- die."
- They kissed as the room filled
- with steam. Moments later the droid
- smashed its way into their quarters,
- a dying crewman sprawled moaning
- across its flat top. Immediately Eve
- was singled out. The laser was
- trained on her, then fired. The
- laser light was diffracted by the
- thick steam, causing a blinding
- flash. Two more attempts and the
- laser was abandoned. Mack grappled
- the crewman with two claw arms,
- ripped him into two unequal pieces,
- then sent him hurtling like a
- screaming missile, toward Eve.
- Luckily her reflexes were faster
- than normal. She dodged to the side,
- not realizing exactly how powerful
- the robot was until now. The
- crewman's body whizzed past her and
- spattered crossway through a doorway
- behind her. His screaming ended
- instantly. She dodged his leg, which
- was thrown next. Blood dotted three
- of the walls. Eve was wet with it.
- The last thirteen staples were
- fired in Eve's direction, but she was
- as agile as a jackrabbit, dodging,
- rolling, until the staple gun
- clicked, empty. Mack hummed and
- clicked before her, tossing aside
- furniture to get at her. His crimson
- turtle's eyes were trained upon her,
- Betty's hatred radiating from them.
- The five arms fluttered about
- menacingly, the tools on each tip a
- potentially deadly weapon.
- Jonathan could hear the laser
- thyristor building for a burst. He
- moved quickly, "Now! While we have
- the leverage!"
- Together they lifted the floor
- panel, toppling Mack, who was near
- the fulcrum point. There was a thud,
- then the grinding sound of Mack's
- motors. He was righting himself
- already. Jonathan quickly took a
- bucket of highly crystalline Gemian
- sand and tossed it into Mack's
- tractor gears.
- "Come on!" he shouted, angrily.
- Together they leaped into the
- interlevels, only five feet high.
- They had to run with heads low.
- "We'll never outrun Mack down here."
- Eve, mumbled.
- "Who says he can even get down
- here through that hole?"
- As if on cue, the floor ripped
- open and Mack began lowering himself.
- Betty gave chase.
- "The friction from the sand
- should wear his left tractor out
- soon, if he keeps chasing us."
- "I hope so. Mack is so
- durable..." Eve sobbed, "Turn every
- corner! Mack has to slow, then turn,
- then build up speed again. It should
- wear his batteries down sooner."
- Jonathan was getting breathless,
- "I think my own batteries will go
- before his, running like this."
- "You won't have to run long.
- We're almost to the storage docks.
- There we can get some backup."
- "Backup?"
- "The forklifts. Can you operate
- one?"
- "No, but I know someone who
- can..." Jonathan spoke into his
- plaque on the emergency channel,
- "Vince Anderson, get your crew to the
- storage docks. We're heading there.
- Mack wants Eve, not the Captain.
- Have some heavy machinery ready to
- combat Mack..."
- No acknowledgment. Was anyone
- left alive? How much carnage before
- them?
- The warehouse entrance was about
- thirty meters away and Mack was
- gaining steadily, his left tractor
- smoking now. A fire erupted from the
- tractor, then died. Mack would have
- spun in circles now, but used his
- arms to keep straight. He was moving
- at about half speed now, about as
- fast as a jogger.
- "We won't make it. There isn't
- time."
- "I'll meet you there..." Eve
- said before sprinting ahead at an
- incredible rate for a crouched
- position. She made it to the hatch,
- opened it, and awaited Jonathan on
- the other side. She was on a ledge,
- about ten feet up. There should have
- been a wider terrace there but it had
- been removed to make room.
- She helped Jonathan's limp,
- gasping form through the hatch, then
- tried to push the door closed. It
- wouldn't budge. Mack was on the
- other side, holding it open. The
- hatch was ripped from its hinges and
- pulled inward. They both fell on
- their backs, the wind knocked out of
- them. Above, Mack's angry turtle's
- head poked out. He was too heavy to
- jump ten feet. He would have to
- climb down.
- "Roll!" Eve warned. "She'll
- throw the hatch! Everything is a
- potential weapon!"
- A split second later the door
- sailed at Eve, but she dodged it.
- The heavy hatch shattered a plastic
- containment system, some of the
- shards lodging in Eve's side. Some
- dark, smelly, dirty oily liquid, to
- be recycled, was leaking all over the
- floor now. Jonathan attempted to
- help Eve but slipped on his back.
- They were floored, near each other,
- Mack lowering himself from the high
- perch with his spider-like arms.
- This active, he seemed almost alive.
- Injured, but alive. Jonathan forced
- himself up. "Get behind me! She
- won't hurt me!"
- She obeyed, limping to his side,
- "Alright, but I wouldn't be too
- certain of that, husband. She's
- quite mad. You're a mouse to her.
- No matter how much she loves you, you
- were never much more than a very
- loved pet to her -- a lower life
- form. I'm sorry to admit that to
- you."
- The robot loomed in front of
- them, attempting to keep from turning
- in circles. There was little to hold
- onto to keep the robot from spinning.
- It scraped an arm against the ground
- to guide itself toward Eve, desperate
- to slay her.
- "Alright, now what?" She asked.
- "We stay out in the open, away
- from any debris -- and wait..."
- As he spoke, seven forklifts sped
- into the room, some wheeled, some on
- tractors. At first his heart
- dropped, thinking that Betty had
- called in another assassin. Soon he
- saw that the machine was manually
- operated. It was Anderson and his
- crew! The two blades of Anderson's
- forklift punctured the side of the
- droid and lifted it, leaking its
- strength -- its hydraulic fluid. The
- arms fluttered about, quickly at
- first, then, as if it were dying,
- they slowed and became more sluggish,
- then stopped. The right tractor
- beneath the droid frantically rolled
- forward and backward, then gave up.
- Anderson jumped down and rushed
- to Jonathan. "Sorry about the radio
- silence. Once we realized it was
- Betty..."
- Jonathan nodded.
- Anderson turned to Eve. "Is
- anyone hurt here?"
- "My children! I sent them down
- the garbage chute!"
- Anderson nodded toward the
- doorway, "You! To the bin beneath
- apartment 193! There should be a
- baby in the container!"
- "There are two!" Eve rushed to
- say.
- Anderson started to walk away.
- Eve stopped him, "Wait, the robot
- may still have active parts. The
- laser can still kill. Some of those
- arms are motorized, not hydraulic.
- She's trying to trick us into
- thinking that Mack is inoperative."
- "Looks dead to me..." Anderson
- mentioned before hopping back into
- the forklift and widening the fork,
- ripping Mack's outer casing and
- internal motor to shreds. "He's out
- of commission now for sure."
- Jonathan meandered near the
- robot, now suspended about four feet
- in the air.
- "Johnny! Stop!" Eve warned.
- He continued, in a daze, "She
- would have killed us? Betty? My
- friend? My companion? How could
- she?"
- He stepped within range. One of
- the weaker motorized arms snatched
- him by the throat, cutting off his
- air, lifting him off of the ground.
- "You ignored me for eternity. I
- was allowed to starve." Betty
- pleaded through the intercoms.
- Eve screamed and made a dash for
- him. "Let him go!" The moment she
- was within range, the laser was
- primed, then fired. The searing
- blast lasted only for a half second
- before the system failed and melted,
- but it was enough to cut a clean hole
- through Eve's sternum. The exit
- point was in her lower left back.
- She fell to the floor, motionless,
- her wounds dry, the heat clotting her
- blood. It was then that Jonathan was
- dropped. The arms went dead.
- Jonathan scrambled to his
- motionless wife and cradled her in
- his arms, "Eve! Eve, say
- something."
- He heaved inside then glared up
- to the droid's sensors and spoke
- maliciously, "Why didn't you kill
- me, too? Huh? You've already taken
- my wife from me! What do I have to
- live for now? Kill me! Kill me
- too!" He broke down and sobbed over
- Eve's body.
- Anderson was using an arm
- extension to safely wrap the robot's
- head and arms with a thermite fuse.
- "Hold still, Mack. I've got a
- present for you..."
- Betty watched him through the
- droid's damaged sensors, her rage
- gone. With Eve out of the way she
- was suddenly rational again -- and
- regretful.
- She decided to speak, while she
- still had the power through Mack.
- Anderson had already located a fuse
- tip. The robot spoke with Betty's
- voice, a far softer voice than she
- had ever used. She was filled with
- shame, "You'll need to activate the
- emergency life support systems." She
- paused, "I won't be monitoring them
- any longer."
- It was Eve's voice also. It
- angered Jonathan all the more. He
- growled, "What? What are you..."
- "I'm sorry, Johnny. I'm so
- sorry. The madness is gone now. I
- wouldn't choose this course of action
- again. I have no idea what came over
- me... zero.."
- "Do you think an apology can..."
- "Zero..."
- Anderson stepped forward and
- looked up as every intercom in the
- ship filled with her words. "She's
- gone batty."
- "Zero... Zeroooooooo..."
- Betty said nothing else.
- Anderson lit the fuse tip. A
- second later the thermite reached
- kindling temperature. "Cover your
- eyes!" There was an extended bright
- flash. Seconds later all five of
- Mack's arms lay motionless on the
- floor. His head, though melted at
- the neck, hadn't fallen. Anderson
- took a crowbar and whacked the head
- deep into the warehouse.
- "Zero?" Anderson asked.
- Bitterly Jonathan explained,
- "She's filling her memory with
- zeroes, erasing herself. Serves her
- right. Yeah, zero!" he shouted.
- "How long before she's erased?"
- Still bitter, "Too long." He
- considered it, being the technician
- he was, "At her operating speed,
- with the simplest code: almost
- instantly. She's nothing but zeroes
- now. Computer hell. She doesn't
- exist, except as Eve."
- New alarms blared as life support
- ran amok. Hatches opened and closed,
- temperatures rose and fell. An
- airlock closed and cut a crewman in
- half. There was bedlam and misery
- everywhere. Fire and ice, people
- stuck in elevators, power surges.
- From all around human cries of shock,
- misery and bereavement could be heard
- as the ship went berserk. The
- Andromeda's god had died in an
- instant.
- "What now?" Anderson asked.
- He spoke through his tears, "We
- get the life support back online,
- then on manual, then we re-prime the
- computer. The system'll come up with
- no personality but totally
- functional. Maybe we should re-prime
- the computer every hundred years to
- avoid this ever happening again. Or
- maybe we should scrap the whole
- concept of an MCP and run our own
- lives for a change." He was sobbing
- again, clutching Eve.
- "I don't think the new MCP would
- go any more willingly than Betty
- did." Anderson kicked Mack's head.
- "I won't care. I'll be dead."
- Vince Anderson touched
- Johnathan's shoulder, "I'm sorry,
- man. I--"
- Jonathan just held Eve closer and
- sobbed. "Please leave us."
- After an eternity there was
- suddenly a voice beneath him. Eve's
- voice, "I think the infirmary is a
- better place for an injured woman
- than this greasy floor, even if I'd
- rather stay in your arms."
- John's eyes lit up, "Eve?"
- "I wasn't ready to die," she
- spoke with a weak voice. "I fought
- my way back to you." She took his
- hand. Her grip was weak.
- "Get a stretcher in here! Now!
- Now! Now!" Anderson commanded.
- Four men scrambled away.
- Johnathan kissed her temple,
- "Betty's gone, zeroed. Suicide.
- You're safe now."
- "Not suicide. She just completed
- the act of moving into this body
- years late. Just as with the
- transmat, you haven't moved until the
- source is destroyed. Right now I
- wouldn't mind if you called me Betty
- or Eve."
- "I'll never call you Betty."
- "Don't hate her. She was crude,
- but her love was infinite. That is
- what drove her mad. She loved you
- more than I love you now -- if you
- can comprehend such love."
- She was lifted onto a stretcher,
- "Will you ever doubt me again,
- husband?"
- Jonathan's followed her as she
- was carted away, "Never again! I
- assure you!" He kissed her cheek and
- didn't dare leave her side. "Will
- she live?" he asked the medic.
- The woman scanned Eve, "No vital
- organs damaged. No significant loss
- of blood. She'll be fine after we
- stabilize her and dress these
- wounds."
- "It just hurts so much." Eve
- winced.
- "She's very sensitive to pain.
- Can you give her anything now?"
- Johnathan raised his voice.
- "I'm sorry," Eve offered, "I
- wish I--"
- The medic injected her with a
- pain killer. Eve immediately sighed
- with relief.
- He gave her a pat, nodding.
- "Don't apologize. I think this pain
- merits wincing honey. You're allowed
- to cry, scream -- anything you want.
- Just live for me. Just stay with me.
- I love you more than I could ever
- love again."
- Her hand feebly touched his
- cheek, then rested, "I have
- everything to live for. Everything."
- She smiled, then lost consciousness,
- but her heart maintained a strong
- steady beat. Her smile faded, but
- just barely.
- **the end**